Multimedia artist
Annina is wearing Matti Coat, Bianca LS Shirt and Atlas Beanie
The 38-year-old multimedia artist, Annina Roescheisen, divides her time between Munich and New York with her boyfriend. She prefers to start her days outside with a good coffee observing people walk by slowly beginning their morning. This makes her connect to her day. The soundtrack to her autumn is a vinyl album by her friend Pierre Daven Keller. This has her warmest regards. Here Annina lets us in on her favourite place in Munich, Germany.
Where’s your favourite place?
In Munich, I currently really enjoy the area of the so called "Kreativquartier". My old studio was situated here - and I always felt like this somehow isn’t Munich.
Why is this your favourite place?
You see hippies, that you don't normally see in the city. And around this area there are refugee homes. Twice a week they organize an event called "Die Tafel" - where benevolent hands out food to people in need. This area is more raw than other places in Munich, but it feels very authentic perhaps also because this is the place for a lot of art studios.
When and how did you experience the place for the first time?
I had my studio there for half a year.
Things you usually do when you're there?
For sure visit a cafe called Import & Export.
Is it a place you like to visit by yourself or with someone?
Mostly I am there by myself.
Visit Annina Roescheisen HERE