Social Worker
When Kristina Lange grew up she used to come home and find drug addicts on her stairwells. Miserable and poor. It is one of her earliest memories and it made her aware of life’s social inequalities. This recurring experience triggered Kristina’s sense of justice and to this day that sense guides her every move.
How is work for you on a daily basis?
My workdays involve long talks, handling conflicts, and contacting social offices. The latter is very frustrating.
What is important to you?
The basic stuff. Love, friendships, travel, time on my own, long night sleeps. And Coco Pops, ha ha. On a broader scale making a difference for people in need is obviously key.
When are your limits challenged?
When I face social injustice and lack the drive to change it. Often it is a question of values and focusing on the commune. I tend to end up in political discussions with, oh well, myself. The truth is I have never met a human being who lives life in total solitude. It is a good thing to invest in people because given the right help they have the possibility to grow.
Have you met a person that made you look differently on things?
I have met several. People who not only have changed the way I look at things but also myself. My boyfriend has made me look at myself in a new way during rough times. I am very grateful for that.
Seriously, what annoys you?
People, actually. Which makes it hard to keep on choosing community and solidarity.
Do you easily cry - is that good?
I rarely cry alone. But when others cry I tend to cry too. I cry out of empathy. Unless of course the situation calls for me not to, then I don’t. I have to acknowledge that my pain affects other people.
What does your gender mean to you?
Everything and nothing. It is my body, my sexuality. And people respond to me according to my gender. In other aspects I believe that my notion of equality enables me to erase the meaning of gender.